Allegra Agentur für Kultur

Vertretung Ensemble ASPECTE in Deutschland


Spezialisiert im Kleinkunstbereich

Christine Douvier Management  Christine Douvier Management

Represents the Jacques Thibaud Trio Berlin, Paul Galbraith, and the St. Petersburg String Quartet in Germany

Franziska Weber  Franziska Weber

Agentur und Projektarbeit für Musik u.a. mit Imke Frank und Matthias Weilenmann

  Konzert-Direktion Hans Adler

represents the Duo Zappa.Mainolfi in Germany

  Lisa Sapinkopf Artists

Represents the Jacques Thibaud Trio Berlin, Paul Galbraith, the St. Petersburg String Quartet, and THE SCHOLARS in North America

  ArsMusica MusikAgentur

Represents the casalQUARTETT in Germany

  Pim Broere Promotions

Organizes South African Tour of the Duo Zappa.Mainolfi


Records the Jacques Thibaud Trio Berlin

  Hyperion Records

Records the St. Petersburg String Quartet

  Occam records & publishing

Publishes the CD series Artists Choice featuring Matthias Müller, Magda Schwerzmann, James Alexander

  phonag Records

Distributes TCB Records (Barbara Balzan Quartet) in Switzerland

  SunnyMoon Distribution GmbH

Distributes TCB Records (Barbara Balzan Quartet) in Germany

  TCB - The Montreux Jazz Label

Published debut CD tender awakening of the Barbara Balzan Quartet


Anna Brunner & Igor Keller, violins
Hannes Bärtschi, viola & web designer
Maja Weber, violoncello

  Daniel Schnyder

Plays with the Barbara Balzan Quartet in the Jobim Project 2006

  Imke Frank, violoncello

Duo partner of Bettina Boller and member of the absolut trio

Collegium Novum Zürich  Collegium Novum Zürich

Ensemble for new music; includes Bettina Boller, Imke Frank, and Rahel Cunz

  Kazimierz Dawidek (oboe)

Member of the New European Winds and renowned soloist and pedagogue

North Czech Philharmonic Teplice  North Czech Philharmonic Teplice

November 2005 tour under the direction of Massimiliano Matesic

  bouquet des arts

performs Oscar Wilde's "The Fisherman and his Soul" with music by Matthias Müller

  Quadro Nuevo

Partners of the casalQUARTET for tango, valse musette, flamenco, and film music.

telos music records  telos music records

primary label of the casalQUARTET

  radio swissclassic

Concert calendar with occasional tickets to win

  Wolfgang Beuschel

Narrated the Pocket Opera Company production of Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance" in German as Hugo. Readings with the casalQUARTET commemorating the 60th anniversary of the end of WW II in May 2005. Returns to the Zurich opera as Schubert in November 2005 with guest appearances in Vienna and Paris.

rex verlag luzern  rex verlag luzern

Published art books by Maria Hafner, most recently "Nichts als das Ganze" on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's death. The accompanying CD with Matthias Müller's new composition "Le coeur de la matière" performed by the ensemble zero is to be released in May 2005.

  Koreanischer Frauenchor in der Schweiz

Sheet Music Plus  Sheet Music Plus

[940 hits since June 2006]